The Top 5 Athletic Training Tips For Fat Loss

The Top 5 Athletic Training Tips For Fat Loss

Training for fat loss can often be a rather slow process. You want to lose the excess bodyfat as fast as possible, but your progress seems SLOW, much SLOWER than you would like it to be.

Have you ever wondered what you can do to speed up and accelerate the fat loss process??? Have you ever stopped to think about the training methods you use and if what you are doing is responsible for the lack of progress or the slow progress you’re making

Take a look at what you are presently doing in your training. Is the majority of the work you do performed at low intensities? Do you lift light weights? Do you lift slowly? Do you move slowly? Maybe if you started to add a little ‘speed’ training into your training program you would start to see your fat loss results ‘accelerate’.

I come from an athletics training background and from what I have seen they are the leanest athletes on the planet. They spend the majority of their training time performing activities which require them to train with intensity and speed. They train for performance, what sport rewards sluggish movement? They will rarely, if ever, be found training using slow movements with the exception of the odd misinformed individual.

An athlete’s sport requires them to be fast and dynamic, so they need to train in a similar manner, they need to be specific with the training they perform. It is this method of training that yields the lean bodies they possessYou want a lean body too right???

OKAY, let’s see what we can learn from athletes who have the type of lean body you want. Let’s take a look at ‘The Top 5 Athletic Training Tips For Fat Loss’.

Tip # 1: Train With Resistance:

Bodyweight Training and Weight Training

Lift BIG –Lift HEAVY – Lift FAST

Tip # 2: Train With Intensity, Not For Duration: Think outside the workout. After Burn Effect. EPOC

Tip # 3: Train Metabolically, Not Aerobically: Don’t Train Like an endurance athlete and don’t train to increase your endurance. Endurance training is great if you are an endurance athlete, but it is not what you should base your fat loss training plan on. Your goal is to decrease bodyfat, not to increase endurance. They are different goals. Somehow people started getting the two confused and people saw endurance training as the ultimate approach to fat loss training.

Train like the sprinters and work to increase your work capacity.

Tip # 4: Train To Improve Physical Performance: Athletes are always training to improve their physical performance. They do not train to look better, lose bodyfat, or build bigger biceps or Chest’s . However, they still manage to produce amazing physical appearance improvements as a bi-product of training for and focusing on seeing improvements in physical performance. So adapt this athletic mindset. Get your focus right and focus on working towards improvements in physical performance and the physical appearance improvements will come.

Don’t get caught up with how much weight you are losing. Instead focus on how to get stronger, how to get faster (increasing the speed of your intervals, etc), on being able to progress from kneeling push ups to full body push ups, on being able to progress from assisted chin ups to non-assisted chin ups, etc.

If you are improving your physical performance you will improve your physical appearance.

Tip # 5: Train With A Plan: If you plan to succeed you must train with a plan. Wanting to succeed is all when and good but you must plan for success. Failing to plan is in effect planning to fail. Anyone starting a new business that they want to become a success will create a business plan. Likewise anyone wanting to design and build his or her own home will formalise a plan, a design blueprint. What makes you think you can have success without planning???

Regardless of how well prepared you think you are, planning is the biggest part of the preparation process. It doesn’t matter is you think you’re prepared because you went out and bought new trainers, purchased a gym membership and cleaned out all the junk food from your kitchen. If you do not have a training plan formalised, I’m sorry to tell you but you are setting yourself up for failure. Planning takes a little bit of time and thought, but at the end of the day it’s well worth the time investment. If you don’t think you have time to plan, what makes you think you will have the time to train??

Planning can be as simple as scheduling workouts, workout duration and planning the theme of your training plan. For example, if your goal is fat loss, you will need to plan your sessions so that they address the fat loss training fundamentals. Although the training exercises you would use for fat loss and muscle gain would be pretty much the same, the way you structure the exercises within a session and the rest intervals, etc that you will use will be different. Just because you are training does not mean you are training for fat loss or muscle gain. The training plan you use will have to address your goals.


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