4 Fundamentals to 6 pack ABS

Just because Summer is nearly over don’t use that as a reason to stop your quest for 6 pack ABS…..

If anything Winter should be the perfect time to start chiseling at that extra body fat you acquired around your mid section after your recent holiday or wedding party etc.

Below I will give you a few of my personal fundamentals that I think are key to achieving 6 pack abs .

DietThis is by far the most important of my fundamentals when achieving 6 pack abs .

I can’t stress enough how important your diet is ,It doesn’t matter how hard and frequent you train if your diet isn’t squared away then your Abs will stay away forever .

Abs are made visible in the kitchen , achieving low body fat levels is the key to making your abs visible.

Before you even consider training get your diet in order and get the idea out of your head that you can outrain a poor diet .

Squatting and DeadliftingIf there was two exercises I had to choose to take with me to a desert Island these two would be it .

They may be primarily leg exercises , but nothing will engage your Abs like these two bad arse exercises.

Lifting a shite load of weight of the ground or Squatting with a load of weight will not only burn a shed load of calories ,but will soon get your abs growing and showing for when they eventually become visible through your diet and conditioning training.

Ditch the Crunches and AB machines stop being a pussy and start deadlifting and Squatting . This includes ALL girls

IntensityI touched on training intensity with my last post “Train like an Athlete”, But the simple fact is High Intensity Training is going to get you ripped .

This could be in the form of sprints or anything that involves intervals and High intensity .

High Intensity Training is one of the best and most proven ways of stripping body fat.

Train slow get slow results, train fast get fast results simple Simon …..

Stop being lazy and Stop training like an endurance athlete and start get serious about shedding body fat and getting ripped ABS.

Lift Heavy ShiteOk so who goes to the gym and lifts them tiny little Dumbbells on the ” special rack ” otherwise know as the girls rack .

I don’t know one person who is ripped / shredded that doesn’t lift heavy shite .

When I say Lift heavy shite I don’t mean move up 2kg on your next set of Bicep curls or triceps kickbacks.

I’m referring to you performing your Bench Presses , Chin Ups / pull ups , Overhead Presses,Squats, Dead-lifts and Uni lateral Training ( Single Leg Squats, Step ups , Lunges , Single Arm Presses …)

All These big compound exercises and Unilateral work will require core stability.

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin / Qualified Personal Trainer .

The ABS Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin .

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