Things That Bug Me In The Gym .

Mincing: It bugs the shit out of me when I see people mincing in the gym talking and arse clowning around instead of training. 1-2 minutes is more than enough rest for most people  depending on what you are training for.

If fat loss is your goal then less rest more exercise ,if strength is your goal then around 2-3  minutes between sets is fine. You shouldn’t go to the Gym to talk to your friends or dilly dally walking around the gym checking out your biceps in the mirror every time you walk past one.

Train hard,fast and get your workout over and done within the hour.

Weights and Women: It’s mad how many women that still don’t lift weights .Every now and again you see the odd Women wondering over to the weights area ,even then she is performing pointless isolation exercises like kickbacks and curls.

Allot of women think they will suddenly turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger the second they Start lifting weights that are a little heavy . Sorry ladies ,but you need to stop living in the spandex aerobics decade and start getting strong

Tv’s: ..Unfortunately these days there ain’t many Gym’s that don’t posses a TV . I’m still surprised Gym’s haven’t started installing them in the shower’s or in the toilets. At the end of the day your there to work not to watch emmerdale or Jeremy Kyle and that includes the Fella’s aswell . Gyms these days have turned far to posh and fancy for my liking. You should go to a gym to get away from your comfort zone and distractions.

Machines : I hate 95% of all machines . There pointless and cause injury’s lift free weights and use body weight and stop moving like a robot.

Crap Programmes: The odds are the second you walk through a gym’s door  they will give you a crap training programme. Unfortunately they tend to give the same program out to most people who walk through the doors .

Most Gyms give out a generic program that everyone receives regardless of their goals, If that was the answer then I wouldn’t have a job as a personal trainer . A good programme really is important . You can train as hard and often as you like,but if your programme is crap your results will be crap .

Example Crap Programmes

Fat loss . 20 Minutes Running machine, 15 minutes Rowing machine, 10 minutes Cross Trainer with sit ups and Crunches = CRAP

Muscle Gain . Chest+Shoulders, Legs + abs, Arms+Back (with plenty of bicep curls,Tricep kickbacks ) = CRAP

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin 

The ABS Gym Dublin 

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