Mid Week Takeaway

So its mid-week and I know you thinking of getting that takeaway for Dinner or lunch today !

The weather is rubbish you have had a crap day in work its tuesday and the week is nowhere near over , the last thing you want to do is cook a healthy meal

STOP !!!!

Before you order that fat storing goal pushing takeaway wait untill the weekend when it’s cheat day

and try some of these meal’s I have been eating .

These are some of the meals I have been eating whilst training for Canada.

Dont be lazy

Just think of your waistline and your arse in the Kitchen .

Meal 1

Chicken with olives and sweet potato chips

Meal 2

chicken ,brocoli, Bacon, Salad, grilled tomatoes

Meal 3

2 x omelet with cheese , onions , salmon, ham and side salad . Topped with raspberry sauce blended with olive oil and a vinegar .

Meal 4

Steak , green veggies , carrots , eggs with hot wing sauce

Meal 5

Burger 100% beef gluten-free Grilled peppers , cauliflower , Lettuce , Grilled tomato , Eggs with light egg mayo mixed with garlic

These are just a few basic meals Feel free to comment below and let us know some of you favourite meal’s

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin

The ABS Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin

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