High Blood Pressure !!!!

Things You can do to prevent Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

I was in the ABS Personal Training Studio in Dublin the other day and a client told me they had Hypertension. They then asked me advice on how they could prevent High Blood pressure.

Luckily for me I recently finished an ISSA course In exercise therapy, this gave me the idea to write a post about Hypertension.

Here are a list of steps that can help prevent and treat High Blood pressure.

  • Maintaining a healthy Bodyweight.

Overweight people are more than twice as likely to suffer from high blood pressure.Small decreases in body fat levels can help with lowering blood pressure.

  • Alcohol Intake

Guess what too much alcohol raises blood pressure. Good news is that this works both ways .

  • Smoking/Cancer Sticks

Smoking restricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure, it also increases the risk of heart disease.

  • Minerals

Apparently minerals such as Calcium,Magnesium and potassium can help with hypertension sufferers.

  • Exercise

I like to save the best untill last. Exercising regularly can help with heart disease, Blood pressure,maintaining a healthy bodyweight and Strengthening of your cardiovascular system . So get of your backsides and start exercising.

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin Specialist in Exercise Therapy

The ABS Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin .