How many parents out there are responsible for making their children fat and overweight? These are not nice words, but being called fat and ugly on the playground because of your weight isn’t nice either!

You the parents are the people responsible for this no one else.

I know kids shouldn’t name call, but they do and kids will never change. What you can change as parents is how you feed your children. If your child isn’t overweight then they won’t get called fat and be bullied because of their size.

If you’re a parent that constantly feeds your children junk such as crisps and McDonald’s then you should be ashamed.

Allowing your kids to eat a bowl of sugar every morning is one of my pet hates. Eating cereals such as coco pops and sugar puffs. If you allow your kids to drink sugary drinks such as coke and Capri-sun, then you should bow your head in shame.

If your blood is boiling and you’re thinking who the hell is he to tell me what to do with my kids, then I’m glad and I’m also glad you’re still reading.

As a parent myself I know what it’s like. I understand that children should have treats and be allowed freedom in their diets, but I emphasise the word treat. Eating chocolate every day and cereal is not a treat. It’s a bulletproof plan of ensuring your child grows up with type II diabetics and obesity.

Yes it does suck telling your child NO all the time, but it does get easier and they will understand that certain foods are not good for them.

Instead of a packet of crisps try some berries instead. There is always an alternative to bad food and bad choices.

Try and reward your children with healthy foods as well. It drives me mad when kids get rewarded with cake or sweats after eating a healthy dinner. You’re cancelling out the good meal by rewarded them with a bad meal.

If your overweight yourself and don’t care then that’s fine, but don’t let your kids go down the same path just because you’re too lazy and selfish.

How many times do you see overweight parents with overweight children? As they say the apple doesn’t fall far away from the tree.

Lead by example eat healthy and exercise and let your children see you as a role model not just a role of fat.

Jay Farrant personal trainer Dublin
The ABS Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin

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