6 Tips To Reduce Stomach Fat!

As a personal trainer and S&C coach I’m often asked “What’s the best way to get rid of stomach fat?” Before I continue with this post you need to know that there isn’t a magic pill or some magic way to reduce stomach and belly fat PERIOD!

Losing stomach fat around your mid-section requires a good diet and regular training. You’ll have to go without some of the sweeter things in life such as chocolate and alcohol to name a few.

If you can’t accept this and still want to waste your time and money on diet and “fat burner” pills, then be my guest. I guarantee that you will never get rid of that spare tyre around your waist. However if you want to know a few basic tips that will help you reduce stomach fat and possibly a couple of clothes sizes, then keep reading.

TIP # 1 – Eliminate Wheat

Wheat based foods add inches around your stomach. It doesn’t matter if it’s whole grain, half grain, magic grain or “fibre enforced”. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘beer belly’, well that’s literally because beer is full of wheat, not to mention alcohol.  Another major problem with wheat is its effect on blood sugar levels. White bread has a higher impact on blood sugar than actual sugar. consistently elevated blood sugar levels can leads to a host of problems such as insulin resistance (type 2 diebytes)

Wheat also effects how the hormone leptin works. Leptin plays a big part in the way we regulate body fat. Without proper leptin function we will simply keep eating.

If you want to lose stomach fat stop eating wheat based foods such as pasta, bread, wraps, scones and anything else that’s wheat and gluten based.

TIP # 2 – Caffeine 

Admittedly caffeine can be great for burning fat and I would recommend it around training and during the day. Like all drugs though, caffeine is addictive. Drinking too much caffeine can lead to adrenal fatigue, neural muscular fatigue and chronically elevated cortisol levels. If you want to lose stomach fat you need to be relaxed and avoid chronically high levels of cortisol, otherwise known as the stress hormone. 1-3 cups a day is fine. Just try to have a cut-off point. This will help you sleep better and allow your body to be in a more relaxed state.

TIP # 3 – Omega 3 Fish Oils

Research has shown that consuming omega 3 helps reduce body fat. A great way of getting extra omega 3 fatty acids into your diet is through eggs, fish and olive oil. The yolk is the part that contains the omega 3 fatty acids and cholesterol, both of which are your friend and vital for a healthy body.

TIP # 4 – Move

Very simple; move more and do some exercise. Resistance training is the most effective form of exercise. Enough said.

TIP # 5 – Forget Sit Ups & Spot Reduction Training

Performing ab exercises to reduce stomach fat doesn’t work. Our body takes fat from anywhere in the body so performing specific ab exercises could burn fat from our little finger. It’s like taking a bucket of water from the corner of a swimming pool. The whole level of the swimming pool will decrease, not just that particular corner.

What you need to think about is which exercises will burn the most fat. Will squatting use more energy than sit ups?

Will press ups and chin ups use more energy than speed walking or step classes?

Yes and yes. Make the bucket a big one and the pool will soon be empty.

TIP # 6 – Sugars

Reduce your sugar intake. Stop drinking sugar loaded drinks. Instead of sugar in tea and coffee, switch to sweeteners. Avoid sugary foods such as cake, sweets, chocolate and biscuits.

I hope these tips can help you. If you follow them I promise you that you will see a difference around your waist line. 

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin

The Abs Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin

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