Unless you live in some cave in Afghanistan you would have heard of suspension training by now. Otherwise known as TRX or Jungle Gym.

Over the last few months suspension training has become all the rage very similar to how kettlebells did. I use suspension training myself with my personal training clients and appreciate its uses. Suspension training can help improve strength and because of the type of exercise it will require more neuromuscular activation than some forms of traditional barbell and dumbbell Work. This again is great especially for body weight exercises.This doesn’t mean though we should suddenly drop our barbell and dumbbell work

It does annoy me a little that everyone seem’s to think that we no longer need barbells and dumbbells in our training and all we need is TRX and Jungle Gym’s.

It is just a suspension trainer not a magic piece of equipment. It isn’t superior to conventional Dumbbell and barbell work. Most people who have some idea about training will know this, but for the average person looking to get lean,lose fat or get strong they suddenly have the idea that this “new” training style is sole answer.

It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but to get the most out of this training I feel it has to be done alongside a good barbell and dumbbell program. If you want to Add TRX or Jungle Gym in to your training then include it alongside your main lifts don’t replace your main lifts with it.

A Couple of classes once or twice a week is a good idea or you could simply replace some of your body weight exercises with suspension training. Even adding in some suspension work at the end of your workout is another good idea.

If you do think you no longer need to do the “traditional” lifts then I would strongly recommend against it. Adding Suspension training will make you strong, but heavy barbell Dumbbell work will always make you strong(er) and is king at the end of the day.

Jay Farrant Personal Trainer Dublin

The ABS Gym Personal Training Studio Dublin



  1. i think i live in a cave in afghanistan. looks like the perfect thing for us old people . btw, i used to a be a boxer in my days, so this would help me stay in shape.